I thought my first blog should be an introduction. So here it is, I'm Chloe and I am the creator of EMI Creations. I am the designer and maker of all the goodies in this store.

I come from an Architecture and Design background, but I have always had a passion in crafts. I could craft all day and all night if I allowed myself to do it. I was introduced to crochet in 2019 by a good friend and I remember thinking how amazing it was to create something, like an amigurumi toy, all from a ball of yarn, a crochet hook and our very own hands. My husband bought my very first crochet kit after realising my curiosity surrounding the art of crochet. Since then, I have been hooked! I would crochet whenever I had free time and it didn't matter where I was, I always had a ball of yarn and a hook in my bag. I first started posting my creations on Instagram (@e.m.i_creations) in July 2019, not thinking about it growing, but only viewing it as a digital portfolio of my own makes and to track my crochet journey. At the end of 2020, people started reaching out, requesting commissions and for my patterns. I have my friends and family to thank, as they were my very first customers. I decided to leave my 9am - 5pm office job to focus full time on my small crochet business. From the encouragement of my husband, I started up my very first Etsy shop, EMI Creations by Chloe, on the 5th February 2021, to share my patterns and creations with everyone. It took me 1.5 years to pick up the confidence and courage to set up the shop, but I'm so glad I did. Then in November, I created my own website. The journey from where I started and where I am now has been slow but also rewarding.
As a designer, seeing your creations come to life is very rewarding, inspiring and also brings a lot of joy. This is where the name EMI came about. EMI stands for "Enjoy, Make and Inspire". In Japanese, EMI also means "a smile". I hope my creations will bring a smile to peoples faces and for creators alike, to enjoy making and be inspired by these creations. I hope everyone will enjoy my creations as much as I enjoyed creating them and thank you for visiting my store. Your support is always appreciated.
- Chloe :)
Hi Chloe!
My sister wanted to start a business to crocket so i looked trough some websites then i came across urs i just wanted too say that ur work is beautiful and lots of work but the price is really high.
Lots of love,